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After paying a great price, and finally close a portal, but it 's far more than the ugg slippers strong imagination, actually half did not destroy it, and finally it is forced back. Later, ugg boots change the thinking and give up on the portal of the attack, but the positive is that the sudden appearance of the rescue teams, that five animal, though not really, but their power ugg boots but obvious, if they are liberated, allow them to attack the portal, although they are very strong, but to break open is not a difficult thing.

Sin military coalition in anxiety when war suddenly appeared a turning point, suddenly appeared in the distance between ugg boots found several groups darkening clouds. But when those clouds near, ugg boots was shocked to discover their true colors, is actually nine gigantic warships. In the other eight, led by ship than twice as large ship in boats, led by rapid breakneck speed close to the battlefield. Once upon both the coalition and the extra-territorial demons heart hair fright, it is not clear which side they really belong.

The two sides do not know the answer, but that nine ship in its own gives the answer in there about five miles from the battlefield, when ugg boots stopped, then shoot straight side over the hull, then the root of countless people scalp tingling black sè barrel probe out. Muzzle immediately lit up, glowing bright red. Then if not fool all know ugg boots is to launch the attack. Once upon a coalition of demons and extraterritorial heart suddenly in his throat, as in the present case, ugg boots select attack target, completely about the outcome of the battle.Next, the nine cents ship to ship in the military coalition has brought greater surprise, it seems that the first round of attacks is only tentative, although ugg boots also played a great power, but compared to the attack or after a lot worse, a lot of huge red sè plow beam can often be a long gully, and had been in the position of extraterritorial demons were completely evaporated, leaving not even a little scum. Nine ships while the ship returned to the coalition Once upon a pleasant surprise, ugg boots, more precisely, what is the key to control ugg boots who clearly affect both the outcome is, ugg boots will target mainly locked in two places, one that is, those around support team exudes five sè light extraterritorial demons, the other is that nine out throughput extraterritorial demons constantly portal.

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