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Today's dinner is more generous than before. Tomorrow is the College Tournament finals,fake ray ban sunglasses, and everyone can look forward to Kanazawa was a first come back. The expectations are not directly say it, afraid to Kanazawa pressure. Only in today's dinner show. Sumptuous dinner, we ate quite cool. The only depressed mother is also given in the observation period of Ali Ya. Can not eat too much greasy, taste can not eat too much, do not eat cold cuts. Finally, the table asking many, discovered or only carrot soup is best suited ray bans online 's.

Everyone can see the meat and fish, the little guy will inevitably was a little uneven. To make up for the little guy soul suffered trauma, Kanazawa has deliberately removed from a unit strawberry farm. Jim went to fat strawberry sauce boiled for Ali Ya a special edible. Strawberry : Function Qingshu fever, thirst, urination diarrhea, Liyan cough. This is also good for sunglasses sale cough. After dinner when we chatted, Kanazawa pumped into the empty back room farm turn circle. Today 's game so far, in the intelligence and Bies Paddy Parr 's staff, have not lost a fake ray ban sunglasses.

Kanazawa farm situation is now nineteen farm,fake ray bans, ranch fifteen. Tian also open to the fourteenth block, most of the sheep ranch now, up six hundred twenty. Before selling a part of more than four hundred only. The number of farm gold now reached seven figures, there are more than 1.3 million. And through these days of packs, Kanazawa also earn fifteen hundred of pasture, two hundred bags of fertilizer and one hundred and ten cans. Watching the farm warehouse numbers, Jin Zesheng a hint of rich soil feeling.

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