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Grazing father grunted softly : Mayor Guo less you come to our house and so overwhelmed by this praise, our family no matter what, just in front of His Majesty xiǎo run a children 's tuǐ. If Guang conquest insisted that the matter would not be able to stop these people got louis vuitton bags, and want to know this, it will open the Los latent asked: Since His Majesty the louis vuitton handbags farm owners prepare horses, but in the end I do not know how many of the requirements ? Price aspect is how ? A horse, from birth, to the battlefield, to huā fees manpower and financial resources, can it really was not a star got, if they want to say a word Guang horse ranch in vain to put out, it is also impossible things.

Grazing father nodded, took over from self shì letter to : St. on request to make to this secret letter in which, of course, only one farm owner Jin qualify watch. Luo Qian took the secret letter, respectful handed Jin Qiu hands. Qiu Jin read carefully unfold the secret letter, just a moment of time, out of a deep gully wrinkled brow will be : animal husbandry father, His Majesty this breath even to the finest horses six thousand, it is certain to make Jin embarrassed, now pasture among practicing properly tame horses, but also the number five thousand, this way, so why all of a sudden they did louis vuitton australia chōu clouds ranch foundation ?

Qiu Jin nodded and continued: remove the number aside,louis vuitton wallet, the price given by His Majesty also really a bit low, the finest horses horse only to sixty ounces of silver, that was not even earn back the cost of all, a loss like this business, that's no way to do it. Grazing father frowned: how sixty twenty-one lower ? Tai is not yet here two years ago from the price of fifty twenty-one bought it five hundred ? I'm afraid this sixty-two Guang price, it is the reference to the Tai, Luo Qian 's heart secretly shook his head, his mouth and said: father may not know, the year before that trip business, Tai want, in fact, just some prestige horses, the horses can only be used to charge rechargeable mén face, prestige cosmetic and not simply on the battlefield, how can compare with our finest horses ?

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